Preparation for Graduate School

After graduating from UM, Chinwe Udemgba went on to attend the University of Chicago Graduate School where she studied Chemistry
The American Chemical Society (ACS) certified B.S. in Chemistry degree or the B.S. in Forensic Chemistry degree with the optional ACS certification offer the perfect preparation for admission to top graduate schools in Chemistry, Biochemistry, or related fields. Recent graduates have gone on to attend the University of Chicago, Georgia Tech, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Illinois, the University of North Caroline, Cal Tech, Vanderbilt University, and many others. A number of these have also become professors themselves or have landed top jobs in the chemical industry. The B. A. Chemistry degree also makes an ideal starting point for applying to Law School – especially for careers in patent law or other science-related areas. Graduates with any degree also gain a fundamental understanding of science that would complement a career in graphic degree, social media, business administration or marketing.