Jonah Jurss, Assistant Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
This year two Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty members were awarded research awards by the College of Liberal Arts.
The Dr. Mike L. Edmonds New Scholar Research Award is presented annually to untenured, tenure-track professorial rank faculty members in the College of Liberal Arts who are within six years of their initial tenure-track academic appointment and who have demonstrated exemplary performance in research, scholarship, and/or creative achievement. This year’s recipient for the Natural Sciences and Mathematics is Dr. Jonah Jurss. Candidates must be untenured when nominated. Depending on the quality of the pool of nominees, up to four awards will be available, with one each chosen from the areas of (1) Natural Sciences and Mathematics, (2) Social Sciences, (3) Humanities, and (4) Fine and Performing Arts. The ideal recipients must have significantly enhanced the scholarly reputation of the College and University through exceptional contributions to their disciplines. Individuals may only receive this award one time, but recipients will retain their eligibility for the College of Liberal Arts Award for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Achievement, which is normally awarded to post-tenure, senior faculty. Each recipient receives a $1,000 cash prize and medal to be presented at the College of Liberal Arts graduation ceremony in May. Previous Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry recipients include Dr. Davita Watkins (2018) and Dr. Jared Delcamp (2017).

Amal Dass, Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
The Melinda and Ben Yarbrough, M.D. Senior Professor Research Award for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Achievement is presented annually to tenured faculty members in the College in recognition of sustained exemplary performance in research, scholarship, and/or creative achievement at the national/international level while serving as a faculty member at the University of Mississippi. This year’s recipient for the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Mathematics is Dr. Amal Dass. Depending on the quality of the pool of nominees, two awards will be given, with one each chosen from the areas of (1) Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Mathematics and (2) Humanities and Fine and Performing Arts. The ideal recipients will have achieved scholarly recognition and influence well beyond the University of Mississippi community. Recipients of the award are not eligible to receive the award again. Each recipient is recognized with a $2,000 cash prize and a medal, which will be presented at the College of Liberal Arts graduation ceremony in May. Awardees are invited to be members of the platform party during this ceremony. Previous recipients includes Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty member Dr. Nathan Hammer (2018).